Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How wise people apologize

A big or small problem in relationships
This is something that must happen.
But wise people do this
Without emotionally coping,
Overcome with a wise apology
It is said that the relationship is made more and more sticky.

1. The apple must be face to face.
It is good to meet an apple in person.
After fighting, I feel bad about each other
If you apologize via phone or messenger
I can not convey my true heart enough.
There are also a few ways to increase the fighting.
Some people think it's awkward to meet after fighting.
Rather than talking directly in the face
Making a more relaxed and natural atmosphere
It should be remembered that it is helpful.

2. Please adjust to the other person's feelings.
The ultimate goal of an apple is to unfreeze the other's heart.
When you apologize, first you feel
I still have to see if I'm angry.
If you are still angry,
I refrain from hurtful words.
The words that the other person likes
It should be selected properly.

3. It is first to listen to the other person's voice rather than to apologize.
It is not effective to start with an apology.
I do not know why the other person is angry or not.
You must tell them and listen carefully.
Through this process,
I can loosen up some
What you should apologize for yourself
I know exactly ...

4. Apples are timing.
Appropriate timing is also very important for apples.
In the shortest possible time after making a mistake
It is good to have an apple.
But after I feel upset
It is rather to apologize on the spot
It's easy to feel like I'm not really sorry.
After fighting, when a certain amount of pain goes down
It is good to have an apple.

5. Be sure you know what you did wrong.
As long as you do not know what you did wrong
There is nothing that offends the other's heart.
Be especially careful if you are between lovers.
What woman is upset about
I think what you know is important.
Men sending flowers to women in the sense of apology
It's a good idea, but if you do not know what your mistakes are
If I had an unconditional apology
A woman can throw this flower in a garbage can.

6. If it's hard to meet, write the apples in letters.
It's best to meet and apologize
If it's hard to meet
It is best to apologize by letter.
A hearted letter moves the other's heart.
The most unsuitable way to apologize is text messaging.
Because it seems unfriendly
Rather, it can hurt your mind.

7. How many times do you like apples? NO!
Repeated apples are less authentic
It can lead to adverse effects.
The other person is apologizing
If you recognize people as people, you
I need to be careful because I do not accept it well.

8. Parents should also apologize to their children.
Parents and children do not apologize to each other.
There is a tendency to skip
The more frank conversations between parents and children are, the better.
Parents, especially if they made minor mistakes
You should show your children that they are genuinely apologizing.
Parental frankness is a good influence on children.

9. Your child should also apologize to their parents.
Most of the young children are
I often apologize with words without knowing it.
But children also need to honestly acknowledge their mistakes.
Rather, I honestly acknowledge my own fault first
If you apologize to your parents, you will trust them more.

10. Lose is win.
Keep on fighting 'You were wrong, I was wrong'
It does not help each other's human relationships.
Before someone's fault
To acknowledge and apologize first of all
It should be remembered that this is a way to further develop each other's relations.

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