Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Dangers in high-protein diet

Many people think that Americans are getting more and more obese because they eat less carbohydrates and sugar, but less meat, fats and eggs. Recently, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has changed the existing position that dietary cholesterol should be restricted, citing a study that dietary cholesterol does not significantly affect blood cholesterol levels. Then again, do you think you can eat a lot of eggs or bacon?

Unfortunately, you can not include bacon or egg yolks in your health food.

Over the past decade, people have been told to consume less meat and fat. But according to the US Department of Agriculture, Americans consumed 67 percent more fat, 39 percent sugar and 41 percent meat in 2000 compared to 1950, and 24.5 percent more calories than in 1970. As you might expect, during this time, people became fat and less healthy.

But this debate is not as simple as choosing low-fat or low-carb foods. As shown in the study, animal protein significantly increases the risk of premature death, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Also, over-consumption of fat or trans fats doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer's.

A study published in March last year showed that early mortality increased by 75 percent and mortality by cancer and diabetes increased by 400 percent in people under 65 years of age who ingest more than 20 percent of their daily food intake into animal fats.

Low Carb Higher An animal protein diet not only increases cholesterol levels but also causes heart disease by causing many other effects. Animal proteins can increase free fatty acids and insulin levels, and can reduce arteriosclerosis by reducing vascular endothelial cells that clear blood vessels. Egg yolks and red meat increase triethylamine, the metabolizing substance that digests them, which interferes with the flow of blood in the arteries, significantly increasing the risk of heart disease and cancer. (Egg whites do not contain cholesterol or triethylamine.)

Animal proteins increase IGF-1, insulin-like growth hormone, and chronic inflammation, which is a direct cause of many chronic diseases. Red meat also contains a large amount of Neu5Gc, a type of sugar that increases the risk of chronic inflammation and cancer. The vegetable diet, on the other hand, helps to prolong the life span of humans by inhibiting the activity of proteins that cause aging. Patients can reduce fat by 67% more than their carbohydrate diets by controlling the fat diet. The best way to prevent disease is the vegetable whole-food, which contains less animal protein and less harmful fats. What this actually means is that most meals are filled with vegetables and fruits, grains, legumes, small amounts of refined carbohydrates, seeds or nuts, fish fat, and little animal protein. It also includes avoiding 'bad fats' such as trans fats, saturated fats and hardened fats. Finally, you need to consume fewer and better quality foods.

My colleagues and colleagues at the nonprofit 'Preventive Medicine Association', and researchers at the San Francisco Campus of the University of California, have demonstrated many of the benefits of natural foods through clinical research. Natural foods based on botanicals have the effect of weakening cholesterol as well as chronic diseases. The study also included stress management techniques and some exercises such as walking.

We showed that changes in eating habits and lifestyle can reverse the progression of severe cardiovascular disease through randomized controlled trials. Patients with chest pain reported that pain relief was achieved in 91% after several weeks. Using this method for five years, heart disease was reduced by 2.5 times, cardiovascular circulation was tripled.

Kim Williams, president of the American Heart Association, and his colleagues have also discovered that changes in eating habits and lifestyles can reduce the amount of medicine needed over a lifetime and change people's lives. The above experiment also showed that this change in habit may prevent or slow the progression of early prostate cancer. Changes in eating habits also affect people's genes, making them more healthy and inhibiting disease-causing genes. If people keep these healthy eating habits, they can improve their health regardless of age.

Moreover, these eating habits are not only beneficial to humans but also good for the planet as a whole. Gas from livestock has a greater impact on global climate change than harmful gases from transport. And feeding the animals to the animals for livestock uses ten times more grains than we eat our own grains. Therefore, eating habits using vegetable materials is also a way to make available the remaining resources to hungry people on the planet.

In fact, what our body consumes is more important than what we give up.

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