Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How should we teach boys about gender equality?

'A man can not cry, I have to endure it.' 'Such things are played with girls.'

If you are a man who grew up in Korea and received public education, you would have heard it on a daily basis. If you are an adult and have no choice but to choose a university, an army, or a job, you will probably hear these words. Or directly. 'If a man can not drink, his social life is difficult.' 'The army did not go, and the cub knows what.'

A crying man, a man playing with a doll, a man not drinking, a man who has not been to the army ... . These are not the masculinity desired in Korean society. It has stereotypes of "strong men" (prejudices and stereotypes) for men, just as they should be decorated, compliant, shy, and sacrificed for brother and younger brother, as well as being praised as "beautiful woman."

Female hate is also the result of this stereotype being hardened. 'Strong men' have learned that they should protect 'weak women', but women who thought they were weak will not accept it because they say they will take off the stereotype of 'weak woman'. There is anti-feminism on the spot, and women's loathing is blooming. Oh Chan-ho writes: A woman's loathing is "an act that goes beyond" humanity "because someone who has been blindly forced into the strange" manhood "of the Korean society is dissatisfied with those who are not intimidated by" womanhood ".

So if both men and women are out of stereotypes, there will come a world in which there is no loathing or crime. This is what gender equality is all about. Unknown to knowing that we learned to drink the air of the sex stereotype is to throw off the bridle. Feminism is sometimes misunderstood as 'female superiority' or 'women dominate men', but feminism is this gender equality movement.

Prior to the interview, the author expressed his apologies to the women who were involved in the feminist movement. Compared to the efforts of the activists who inequitate in various places, it seems that only a man gets more attention because he wrote a feminist book. (On the other hand, there is a terrible terrorist attack).

Let's look at MBC's 'real man' critically. This program is for you.

The point of laughter is that a frightened person is about to fall, but he can not remember the code of conduct or the military,

It is time for a novice soldier to ask his boss a genuine question.

On the contrary, it is praised for the body which is made by exercise, and it is good to fall, and to answer that it understands.

What kind of person is "real Sai nai" that they want to convey?

Q In 2010, I collected articles from webzine and internet news and finished the book "Why did the man become strange?". If you compare the gender equality of the time of the first article and the current gender equality?

Six years ago, I would not have even attempted to publish such a book. Gender equality awareness and market have grown more than ever. When I first wrote the column, I was told that the reactions, the difficulties of women, and the level of gender equality were the same. This has not changed yet. There are a lot of people who are driving in the opposite sex. The discussion is endless and only conflicts are over.

Q In Korea, 'strong male' stereotype is severe.

Things like home, school, peer relations, media, etc. affecting human growth. From these we become socialized. In particular, the military culture of the military was introduced into the male-centered culture, and stereotypes of the "strong male" were set to become typical of men. Men who do not have biologically strong masculinity should become strong men, and women should have such manhood to survive on this floor. Such education should have been done in the wrong way, but long ago, such education was already pushed to the side of economic growth. Women as well as men. Many cultures of Korea distinguish between masculinity and femininity.

Q What is the role of the school responsible for the socialization of the growing season?

My daughter is a sophomore in elementary school. Only the daughter was a girl. The most often heard voice of a teacher about a daughter is 'a girl' but 'despite a girl'. It was a routine when I was in school. Thirty years after that, it did not change that the school played a major role in creating gender stereotypes. Recently, there is a university of engineering, but how do you think about the career path of women in engineering college?

I can not get angry at how schools and education can do this sort of gender division. Schools do not perceive gender stereotypes, gender inequalities as such. The school is not interested in this. Schools are just concentrating on building talent that society wants.

All. The talents that society desires are, of course, 'strong men' and 'beautiful women'. Of course, some of you may be interested in equality or diversity, but you do not get a good reputation for doing so well. At elementary school, I feel nervous about my friendship, and I get approval to go to a prestigious high school and a myeon moon university.

The same goes for universities. Does the government support you if you are good at civic education? The name of a university river was 'image making'. How to dress a man, how to cut a hair, how to cut a hair in a service industry, and to act like this in a heavy industry ... . Rather, it supports the 'creative lecture' that adapts to the times when it is good. It is a total impasse.

Q How should parents be at home?

Theoretically, young parents may have a higher gender equality index, so they may think their parents are more likely to be right. However, parents' tendencies are not meaningful in Korean families. At home, I want children to be 'successful when I move on.' In order to be educated at home, the burden of tutoring should be small, there should be no burden on the entrance examination, and there should be a life with evening. But there is no such thing in Korea. These days teenagers are falling into trouble and are said to be problems. If the children in other countries get the information of Ilbe, will they be so lost? It may be a problem for Korean children only. It is once again a total impasse.

Q I have taught many lectures including women's studies at university.

From 2008 to 2010, she lectured on "Women's Issues in Korean Society." The key is to objectively see how I lived in this society that emphasizes masculinity and femininity. Gathering examples of students can tell how society is generalizing masculinity and femininity. Why do not you find an aunt in a restaurant without looking for your aunt, why do men cook at university MT? You can feel that you are living in a society that emphasizes masculinity and femininity without knowing it.

Gender equality does not talk about the confrontation between men and women. The man starts out by throwing away stereotypes, which must be and women must have. We must acknowledge the difference and reduce the gap of inequality. I do not want to misunderstand gender equality by creating an era in which women dominate. Even the same right to ask about the reality that women are excluded. It is a tradition to pursue gender equality logically. Men can also be freed by throwing off these restrictions because they are 'men'. We all want to live efficiently.

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