Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Basic principles of baby foods

Why should we do baby foods?

1. After 6 months of age, breast milk or milk powder alone can not supply enough nutrition. In particular, children who breastfeed for more than six months may be deficient in iron, so they should supplement with meat.

2. It is a practice to eat high-quality, lump food. The child starts with soft food until he eats rice and then gradually hears the hard food.

3. It helps brain development. The behavior in which children pick up food and chew in the mouth is directly related to brain development.

4. It becomes the basis of healthy eating habits. The first foods that children eat are important for the development of taste, and at this time, they have to eat vegetables, meats, fruits and other things well to get a healthy eating habit for a lifetime. Also, when you are hungry, eat yourself, eat a sufficient amount of meals, then eat the habit of eating should be learned from the baby food.

5. It is time to learn etiquette and get along with family. When you eat, you should sit down and eat instead of going around, and you should learn the manners of dining such as not eating while watching a book or TV. You can feel the close ties of family through meals by making the baby food a place to do with the family rather than feeding the child alone.

Basic principles of baby foods

Baby foods start at 4 to 6 months of age

Baby foods can start at 4 months of age and must be fed for 6 months or at least 26 weeks later. Previously, it was said that it is better to start the baby food early, and the fruit juice was fed in two months after birth, but this is wrong common sense. 4 months old children are immature and immune system is weak, so if you do not get the right food formula, it can increase allergies rather than. Most children are over 6 to 7 kilograms of body weight after four months and are interested in foods other than breastmilk and milk powder, and they are physically ready to digest high-fat types. However, if you have allergic diseases such as atopic dermatitis, it is better to start from 6 months.

We make baby food.

It is not recommended to use commercially available powdered or starch foods instead of baby foods. Mom's home-made clean and well-prepared baby food is the best food for a child. There are many mothers who think it is too difficult to make baby food. If you know only a few know-how, you can easily feed baby food. Maternal baby food made with various ingredients and recipes helps the child's brain and taste development, and also connects with emotional stability.

Weaning starts with rice mingling

Rice is the best ingredient to start a baby formula because it is very rarely allergic because it does not have a protein called gluten that causes allergy. Rice cultivation is easy to cook and easy to cook, and it is also suitable for feeding with vegetables and meat later. The rice noodles to be fed for the first time can be made into a soup-like watery taste, that is, 10 times more dying. 10 times the ratio of dead rice and water 1 to 10 to 10 grams of rice pour into water and boil 100cc. If you start a baby formula with juice, the baby gets used to the sweetness, and it is not good because you can refuse the light and sweet baby food.

Add new material one at a time, every 2 to 7 days

When adding new ingredients to the rice mince, add one at a time, and add other ingredients at an interval of one week at a time. This way, you can see if the new ingredient is causing allergic reactions to your child, and it will be a time for your child to adapt to the new material. You may suspect a food allergy if your child has a new food, rashes on your skin, vomit, diarrhea more than 8 times a day, or diarrhea with blood. If symptoms are severe, you need to see a pediatrician. Do not feed food that has been allergic for about 3 months and try again later. Even if you have an adverse reaction in your child, it usually gets better when you are one or two years old.

Feed the baby food with a spoon.

The baby food must be spooned. It is a necessary process to use a spoon, so first try to spoon the child himself after 8 months. Do not feed in a bottle. Also, if you feed your baby food lying down, it can be dangerous to cross the airway, so it is best to eat it with your mom sitting at first. When a child is six to seven months old, she can sit on a chair for feeding.

I do not go to the baby food.

Until the stone, the baby food should not include any kind of salt such as salt, soy sauce, miso, kochujang, or salted fish. Children may still have health problems if they consume more than salt in their milk, milk powder, or natural ingredients because their kidneys are still immature. Therefore, you should not eat kimchi, soup, or side dishes that adults eat. You can add condiments such as garlic and pork in small increments at 9 months.

Give meat from 6 months of age

From around 6 months, meat must be fed to supplement the iron. It is good to use meat soup as baby food, but it is important to feed meat without oil. At first, it is completely grinded, and after a month or two, it also feeds with some lumps. Tongue and gums are soft enough to be cooked well enough to cook, before the stone is suitable for chicken and beef.

Fruit juice does not feed six months before birth

Fruits can be cooked from 4 to 6 months after birth, but fruit juice should not be eaten six months before. The fruit juice here is not made by the mother at home but sold on the market. Fruit juices are high in calories because of their sugar content, but they lack nutrition and can get diarrhea if they eat too much. Do not give more than 50cc per day for 6 to 7 months, and feed about 120cc per day to the stones. Citrus juices such as mandarins or oranges should start after 9 months. Commercial fruit juices must be 100% unsweetened and avoid beverages containing mixed fruit juices or syrup.

Use a steaming and boiling recipe

Weaning foods should be cooked in a steaming and cooking manner instead of frying or frying with oil. Make sure you do not get tasted early on oily foods because the fat needed for your child is sufficient for breast milk and formula. From 9 months, olive oil and sesame oil can be used little by little, but not at all.

Baby formula, how to feed

Feed the baby food just before feeding

The first start of the baby food is good when the child is feeling good. Just before 10:00 am, feed the baby food first and feed the breast milk or formula. If you are unfamiliar with baby foods, it is okay to feed them and feed them. At first, you can spit or refuse food. Still, try patiently and try several more times until the child swallows the food. When I refuse too much, I take a few days off and try again.

Increase the number of times from once a day to three times a day

They feed only once a day for four to six months of initial weaning, twice a day for six to eight months, and three times a day for adults from nine months. In the meantime, the amount of the baby food to eat once, gradually increase, the stone should be able to eat about half the air (150cal) for one meal. It is good to give a snack between the time of giving the baby food from the middle period.

Change from dilute to hard food

The wateriness and firmness of the baby food should be changed step by step, and at least seven months after the food is completely grinded and finished, the lump food should be eaten. When we do the initial weaning food, grind food and give it to mush or soft pomegranate form. In the mid-term, the hardness of the porkbone which can be eaten by using the tongue and palate is appropriate, and it is fed to the boiled pork so that the shape of the rice pellets can be seen to some extent. In the latter period, it is also possible to eat lumpy food that can be eaten with a lot of rice and hand.

Starting time of weaning materials

Vegetables are fed from the beginning of baby food.

The first vegetables that can be added to rice cultivation are cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, peas, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. Sweet potatoes and potatoes are more like rice than vegetables. However, spinach, cabbage, carrots and beets are high in nitrate content, which can cause anemia in children aged 6 months or older, so they are fed after 6 months.

Meat must be fed from 6 months of age

From 6 months, meat must be fed to supplement iron. In particular, the iron contained in the lean meat of chicken and beef is suitable for baby foods because of its high absorption rate in the body. Purchase only meat-free lean meat, remove all tendons and tough parts, grind or thinly slice and grind. In the early days, it is completely grinded, and by about seven months it is cooked so that it has a little lump. The broth that comes out when we cook meat is used as baby food.

Fruits are fed from 4 to 6 months of age

The first fruits that can be fed are apples, pears, plums and apricots. It is recommended to eat tangerine or orange after 9 months. Strawberries and tomatoes are allergenic, so at least it is good to feed them after the stones are gone. Until the mid-term of the formula, all seeds and bark of the fruit should be removed. At first, fruit is cooked on a steel plate or cooked and then crushed, but gradually it can be eaten as a lump. Fruit juice feeds after six months.

Egg yolks are fed for 7 months, and egg whites are fed after the stones.

The yolk of an egg can be fed from seven months, but it is important that the whites are fed through the stones, fed and ripe. At first, it gives only a small amount, but gradually increases the amount. Egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol because eating too much is not good. Children with egg allergies should not be fed before two stones.

Fish, shellfish feed after stones

Since fish and shellfish are more likely to develop allergies, it is better to start after the stones. It is safe to postpone as little as possible, although there are opinions that small fish or white fish grown in clean water can be fed from 9 months old. Especially, fish, shellfish, large fish such as sharks and tuna, and freshwater fish that are grown in polluted areas should be avoided because the pollutants may be concentrated. When you feed fish, salt it.

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