Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How can I speak well? - Seven Skills of Speakers

The ability to speak is riding? no. The ability to speak is the ability to grow by learning. If you fill your head and you are full of confidence in your heart, you will be recognized as someone who is good at speaking anywhere.

First, you need to listen to someone else's story. There is no one who speaks well and does not listen to others. If you listen carefully to what your opponent is saying, can you say something that is right for you? And the manner in which you listen is enough to appeal to your opponent, and it is an effective way to let your opponent listen to your own words. Listening well is the beginning of talking well.

Second, the scenario ability must be visible. There is a limit to spitting out the improvised words in your head. Speakers often draw scenarios and talk in advance. Before I give a presentation or a meeting, I will try to draw in advance what I will say in my head, how my opponent will talk, and how I should talk. This would be a much more systematic and logical statement. Think before you breathe in your mouth, think and think in your head. Would not it be too slow? Do not worry. As you become accustomed to doing so through practice, you will be able to recall several sentences in your head in a second.

Third, you should have confidence. Confidence in speaking ability is more than 50%. It should not make you confident that you are wrong or inaccurate. Being confident in the exact story gives you a much higher sense of confidence. In addition, persuasion becomes easy. The same thing makes a difference between confident and not. It should never be cloudy or inaccurate. Try to communicate your words accurately and confidently. Are not you the one who eats by talking? There is no one to say that I make a small mistake. It is necessary to speak boldly only with confidence. That is not to say that it is loud. Confidence is a matter of clarity and dignity, not a matter of large and small sounds.

Fourth, it is necessary to collect information quickly. The new talk makes it as good as the listener. It is difficult to talk about what we all know and talk about what we have learned. Information gathering power is an essential quality of a person who speaks well. Particularly trendy trends, issues, and humor are measured by their ability to speak in proportion to their ability to gather information. It is necessary to create your own information collection route and to constantly update new information. It is essential to watch major newspapers every day, and specialist magazines must subscribe to valuable information and get all the necessary newsletters. It is also helpful to listen to radio current affairs programs and cultural programs, especially when traveling by car.

Fifth, we must be careful when speaking. I can not pick it up or fix it if I spit it out differently from the writing. I do not mean to say that I keep going. Such a tooth can be used in a nightclub, but it is not very useful. It is also important to be cautious and appropriate in what you need to say. Even if you do not talk a lot, you can be a good person.

Sixth, we must know a lot. When you talk about a field that you know, you get more words, nonsense and naturally. It is a story that everyone sympathizes with. If so, you need to be prepared to know more about your work or specialty than your opponent. Even if you do not speak well, you often see cases where you can speak relatively well in certain areas. It is usually a field of interest that is specific to that particular field. If you talk about spirits or talk about spirits or spirits, you should reflect on those who do not speak well where you need to talk about something important and important. They should strive to move their interests into more productive and professional areas.

Seventh, there must be room. First of all, if you have the six elements mentioned above, you have to talk with ease. When you are in a hurry, your speech gets faster and you miss out on what to say. If you can afford it, you will be able to persuade your opponent to be much more coarse and calm, and humor and humor will come naturally. You should ask yourself to spare yourself so that you do not get excited when you say it, and you should know how to adjust the tempo yourself. Talking is communication with the other party. If you unilaterally burst out and disappear, it is not talking but making noise. As bright a smile and a relaxed as possible will make you a much better speaker.

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