Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A simple DOS command lecture when playing a classic DOS game

Sometimes I think of DOS games and I do not even run or run
This is a simple explanation for those who gave up because the game was too slow.
Most of them are xp or Vista users these days.
I do not know how to do this.

When I run it, I get a window. It will be in DOS mode.
And C: \> or Z: \> will prompt you to type in the command from here.

In case of DOS, you have to specify the path for each file,

So the following simple DOS lecture (for games)

The first thing you should do in DOS is type the command and hit Enter.

In DOS, the folder name is -> cd folder name. -> cd ..
To go to c: w> in various folders at once -> cd \

If you want to see what files are in the folder -> dir
This dir can also give options, parallel view is dir / w, page breaks -> dir / p
You can also check only the files with the desired extension. This is dir *. (Extension name)
(But it seems to be more comfortable to check on Windows)
If you can do this, you can do it without any problems.

There are a lot of other commands.

Now let's take an example.
There is a folder called games on your computer's drive c
There is a prince folder (Prince of Persia Game Dose's classic game ㅋ)
Let's make a home.
Once I move to the folder where the game is located.

Enter cd games and enter the games folder
You have to go to the prince folder in this folder.
You can also run prince, the executable file name, and enter.
How many times do you want to name a folder?

If you want to go at once -> cd game \ prince
If you want to run the Prince of Persia game at once
C: \ games \ prince \ prince without cd command

To exit DOSBox and exit the game,
So play your game

There are a lot of people who do not hear sound in DOS games.
If you check the file in the way I told you,
There should be executable files such as install or setup.
In the memory settings, check Use EMS memory or Extended memory
After you save the settings and run the game, it will sound 99.9999999% almost lc'an.

Do not worry about going into DOS mode with DOSBox taking care of EMS memory ..
Or you can open DOSBox.conf file in DOSBOX folder with Notepad

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